UniOne 2022: Novelties for Your Email Marketing

UniOne 2022: the Year’s Novelties
Vitalii Piddubnyi Vitalii Piddubnyi 20 february 2023, 17:50 708
For beginners

Throughout the entire year of 2022 we’ve enjoyed making our service more comfortable and feature-rich, to help our customers expand their business with the help of email marketing. In this article, we’re going to summarize last year’s novelties. So what exactly has been added in UniOne in 2022?

Manage your subscribers’ address status

A year ago, just before the holidays, we introduced the new suppression API, a set of methods for managing unreachable and unsubscribed addresses. Before that, the only way to check and reset these statuses was via the web interface (using Tools/Email search), but now the same goal can be achieved by calling API methods suppression/get and suppression/delete. Later in 2022, we’ve also added suppression/list and suppression/set API methods, completing a full set needed to control the list of unreachable addresses. This makes UniOne a more open system by simplifying the migration of unreachable, unsubscribed or complainer lists to and from external sources. You may use UniOne to manage such lists while keeping them under full control.

Download event data in CSV format

For a long time, the only way to obtain event data was through the use of webhooks. However, some of our clients could not fully utilize this option for various reasons. That is why we've added a set of Event-dump methods.

These new methods allow users to download data related to recent events, for a period of up to 32 days, depending on your tariff. The data may also be filtered by different criteria, for example, you may fetch all events for a given campaign or a particular address for the entire time period.

Categorize your emails with tags

Tags are short text labels which you assign to your letters to identify and group similar messages. For instance, you can set your tags based on the type of email, such as password recovery, a welcome message, or an abandoned cart email. Tags may be used for a variety of tasks, e. g. segmentation, analyzing statistical data, tracking the volume and efficiency for different kinds of messages. Or you may run A/B tests, labeling different versions of the same message with different tags to see which one is best.

To assign a tag to an email, all you need is to specify it as message.tags value while calling email/send. Each email can have up to four tags. For easier tags management, we’ve also added a group of API methods. Get an entire list of your tags with tag/list, or remove unneeded ones with tag/delete. No more than 10 000 tags are allowed per account, so be sure to get rid of unnecessary ones.

Group your messages for a bulk mailing

UniOne has long been used not only for transactional letters but for large marketing campaigns as well. To make grouping and analysis easier, we’ve introduced a new system variable campaign_id. This variable, which you specify as part of metadata, is treated as a special value and may be used to filter data in your statistical charts and when retrieving data for a unique campaign with event-dump/create. While this functionality is similar to tags, the number of values for campaign_id is not limited.

Schedule your mailings

Occasionally you may need your emails to be sent at a given time, for example, as an event reminder or to adjust for different time zones. Now UniOne allows you to set the time of sending in advance, up to 24 hours before sending. Your emails will be sent at the time you want without further interference.

To use this feature, just specify the desired value as message.options.send_at parameter while calling email/send using YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. Be careful, as the time cannot be adjusted post factum.

Statistical charts updated

For those who actively use our statistical charts, we’ve made yet another update. Now you may filter data by tags and campaign_id values. When grouped by target domain, the values are now shown in descending order, so you may easily see which domains receive most of your letters (only the top 100 domains will be shown).

Easier integration with web apps and sites

In 2022, we’ve made additional efforts to simplify integration with UniOne for developers. In addition to the numerous code examples in our Web API documentation, we continued working on our libraries for all widely used languages, and our РНР SDK was released in November. More good news here is related to Drupal integration: you may now use our core module for UniOne (which we’ll keep improving, so stay tuned!)

SMTP debugging tool

We have also launched SmtpDebug, an easy-to-use and convenient tool to test an SMTP connection, pinpoint and fix any potential problems. Check your SMTP connection and view the full SMTP session log for in-depth study and diagnostics. The service is available for free, does not require registration, works with any SMTP provider and shows the session log in real time.

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